Citroen C8 in Maua

Citroen C8 for sale in Maua (Brazil)

Are you currently in the market to buy (or sell) a Citroen C8 in Maua? Vehiclus studied the local used car market of all cities in Brazil to establish a pricing profile of various Citroen models depending on their age, technical condition, optical condition, and mileage. In order to maximize your earnings when selling your C8 (or to make sure to not be ripped off when purchasing a Citroen C8) it is of value to know most price-establishing factors.

Supply and Demand of Citroen C8 on the local auto market

Maua is a city with currently 386069 inhabitants. Nevertheless, there are not many Citroen C8 for purchase on the market. That's why the supply is low and the demand depends on various of parameters such as season, mileage, and reliability.

Price Devaluation Curve of the C8 in Maua

As described in the figure below, cars of the make Citroen and specially of the model C8 loose their value in a very average way. The mean price of the C8 will be lowered by 14% ($42,478) after only 1 year. After three years, the car typically goes for only 61% of its original asking price ($30,326) while it will only be valued at 32% of the original price after 7 years ($13,733). The C8's value after twelve years is only 13% of its initial price depending on its condition of course.

Depreciation according to vehicle mileage

One more way to quantify car depreciation is to look at the loss of value vs kilometers driven. The Citroen C8 depreciation curve below shows this phenomenon for the city of Maua. The C8 looses most of its value (ca 45%) within the first 30k km driven. The average price for a C8 at that usage level is $27,395. After that the devaluation plateaus: at 90,000km the Citroen C8 is valued for $15,730 in Maua and for $7,894 at 180,000km .

Citroen C8 price depending on condition (fair, good, excellent)

The last parameter that significantly influences the sell price of a used car is the technical and optical condition of the vehicle. The table below describes the deflation of a Citroen C8 according to its year and its condition.

Vehicle Year Citroen C8 Condition
fair good excellent

Enter vehicle make, model and city of interest:

starting at
in Bengbu (CN)
starting at
in Sao Leopoldo (BR)
starting at
in Suffolk (US)
Citroen C8 variations:
C8 2.0i 16V BVA4
C8 2.0HDi (120ch) BVM6
C8 2.0HDi 16V
C8 2.0HDi 16V FAP BVA
C8 2.2 HDi 173 FAP
C8 2.2 HDi 173 FAP BVA6
C8 2.2 HDi (173ch) BVA6
C8 2.2HDi
C8 2.0HDi (138ch) FAP BVM6
C8 2.2 HDi (173ch) FAP BVM6
C8 2.0HDi 138 FAP
C8 2.0HDI 138 FAP
C8 2.2HDi 16V FAP
C8 2.2 HDI (173ch)
C8 2.0HDI (138ch) FAP
C8 3.0i V6 BVA
C8 2.2i 16V
C8 2.0HDi 120
C8 2.0HDi
C8 2.2HDi 16V
C8 2.0i 16V BVA
C8 2.0i 16V
C8 2.2 HDi (173ch) FAP BVA6
C8 3.0i V6 24V BVA
C8 2.0HDI (120ch)